Moon Pool

Fish Wife color

Grand Piano Submarine I - R.I.P May 2009

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New submersible design tested today to good effect.
Can sustain cabin pressures for several hours while submerged to abyssal depths.
Oxygen tanks charged for voyage;
ectosonic recording devices activated.

3 thoughts on “Moon Pool


    Hmmm… looks okay, but sometime we should seriously get round to compiling an official list with contributions from everyone, then make a nice collage.

    Keep meaning to add a Tim Schram picture to this collection.

    p.s whoever took my Kerouac picture (assuming you are also the same person who thieved the ship’s log book) – shame on you!

  2. Work on the “Moon Pool” completed today – should make it a lot easier for future subaquatic explorations. Pressurised hatch opens and closes with this simple crank handle system. Hot Air balloons in baskets lugged downstairs sitting on shelves. “Fish Wife” left upstairs while Simon Piler and The Atom Band continue to convert it into rocket form.

  3. How’s it going on the Fishbus reconstruction guys? Been a month, give or take, and you lot have been very quiet… apart from the hammering and sawing and drilling and chopping and splicing and drilling and screnching obviously.

    What’s that you’re saying Def Mute?

    Oh yeah, that’s right, you’re not saying anything, but you ARE waving your arms round in an agitated fashion. Is it a film? Or a book? Neither. 3 words. First word… bottom… no, arse… butt… behind? Behind? Yes. Second word… me. Yes! Behind… me?

    Oh shit, Scarytoes, I didn’t see you there weighed down under that obscure mechanical part you are carrying and going by your bright read face and the fact you look like you are about to have some sort of aneurysm, you’ll be wanting me to step aside.

    Sorry, there you go.

    Anyway, erm, keep up the good work.

    [Whispering to Champio]

    It doesn’t look very bus-like, does it?

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